Dr. rer. nat. Dominik P. Schreiber

I am a computer science researcher at the Algorithm Engineering group at the Institute of Theoretical Informatics @ Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). My research focuses on the scalable resolution of (mostly discrete) NP-hard problems such as SAT solving, planning, and scheduling.

Employment & Education

  Post-doc at Institute of Theoretical Informatics, Algorithmics II, KIT 2023+
  Doctoral research at Institute of Theoretical Informatics, Algorithmics II, KIT 2018-2023
Computer Science M.Sc. at KIT, Karlsruhe and at ENSIMAG, INP Grenoble 2016-2018
Software Engineering B.Sc. at University of Stuttgart 2013-2016
"Taus" primary & secondary school, Backnang 2001-2013


  Co-organizer International Planning Competition, HPlan workshop 2023-2024
  Program committee member of conferences ICAPS, ECAI 2021+2023, 2024
  Self-reliant teaching at university, mainly SAT Solving, Automated Planning 2018+
  Teacher (private lessons, complementary lessons, preparatory courses for Abitur) 2009-2017
  Youth work: Course instruction, servants, editor of youth journal 2010-2016
  Part of various choirs and music groups 2002-2013, 2023+


  Music (guitar, ukulele, piano, banjo, vocals)
  Development of little open source projects
  Free Software and Linux